I'm dying to get my hands on a copy of Osa Johnson's "I Married Adventure". Not only will it look killer with my turquoise foo dogs set on top, but I actually want to read the novel. Some may feel that this book and foo dogs are predictable and perhaps cliche? I've decided that if I love it, then I love it. I'm not going to worry about other people having it also.
Update: I just won a copy on ebay! yaay. I'm not going to lie there's some stiff competition on ebay. Make is easy on yourself and check out the Matters of Style Store to secure your very own copy!
Twinkle Living throw pillows only $50.oo each!
I'm currently wishing I had a pair of the sky blue zig zag pillows.
Sarah Glass Chandelier at Tonic Home
Honestly? This piece is amazing!
Love the painted floor!
I'm warming up to the idea of painted floors. In this image it makes the space!
Angelica Lamp: Find this orange porcelain table lamp at tonic home
Love the orange!

More Love for Walmart
This curvy bench is a steel priced at $89.00!
I have been wanting the Twinkle pillows as well...they are so cute!
We have sold quite a few copies of I Married Adventure in our store- we have three more copies that will be listed shortly- email us if you want us to reserve one for you! Aside from looking fabulous, it really is a great read. It makes me want to pick up and travel the world!
Oh so sweet! I just won a copy on ebay yesterday but I will update the post and send people to your store to snag their own copy!
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