Silhouette Ornaments

Posted on: Tuesday, December 20, 2011

One of the gifts I've really enjoyed making this year are these little silhouette ornaments. I've posted before on the process of making a silhouette, but I wanted to share these also. All you need to do is take a picture of a profile. Then, print the picture out on regular paper in the desired size. I printed wallet size photos for this project. Then I laid the photo down over black card stock and cut around the silhouette. The background is simply a scalloped circle punch (shop a similar one here). I punched a hole at the top, laminated the ornament, and then tied ribbon on. Silhouettes are a quick, easy, personalized gift. I also love the idea of framing a silhouette.
Happy Holidays


1. bluehydrangea said...

Love, love, love!! I am off to buy black card stock...thanks!!

2. Mal said...

Love those, perfectly simple and elegant!

3. Chic Coles said...

These are awesome! I love silhouettes.

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